Is your resume just not getting the attention it deserves? Is your resume on the fritz? Read on or push play below to learn 3 resume-writing trends you need today that will make you stand out from the crowd.

If we’ve never met before, I’m Heather Austin from and The Career Club on Facebook, and here, I share simple solutions to help you build a business or launch a career you love.

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Before we get into the top 3 resume trends, let me just say that I know how time consuming and draining writing a resume can be. In fact, last time I updated my resume, I’m pretty sure it took me a couple of hours.

These 3 resume writing trends will save you time and money, and earn you an interview!

Trend #1 – Include a Custom LinkedIn Profile URL

Place your custom LinkedIn profile URL in the top header section of your resume, close to your name. To protect you from potential identity theft, some experts recommend that you don’t include your street address on your resume. Rather, place your custom LinkedIn profile URL in place of your street address.

If you’re wondering how to customize your LinkedIn profile URL, take a look at the blog post I made right here, where you’ll learn what a custom LinkedIn profile URL will do for you.

Trend 2 – Use Keywords

Litter your resume with as many keywords as you can. This will ensure you pass applicant tracking systems (ATS) that are put in place to filter out applicants. One way to accomplish this is to add a Skills section that emphasizes the keywords of your desired position.

To add keywords, review the job posting closely for keywords and then place those keywords throughout your resume. Not only will this help your resume pass initial tracking software, but it will help you rank higher in resume search engines.

Using the right keywords will really help you get noticed and land you an interview.

Trend 3 – Identify Accomplishments

Identify accomplishments, not just job descriptions. Take your resume to hte next level by quantifying your accomplishments as best you can. Use percentages, numbers, and dollar amounts to explain and demonstrate how you are best suited for a position.

Here’s an example:

Demonstrated professional etiquette and manners when interviewing with customers, which resulted in 30% improved feedback from customers.

Here’s another example:

Increased customer base by 55% in single year by bringing in real business form the company’s website.

Bonus Tip

Here’s a bonus tip just for you! Get rid of your outdated objective statement; instead, use a branding profile or personal summary. I’ve also seen this called a personal statement.

A branding profile is a statement that conveys what you can do for a business rather than what you want out of the position. Your branding profile should state your values, goals, and experience.

If you’re wondering how to write a branding profile for your resume, take a look at the blog post I made, where you’ll learn how to do this.


The Ultimate Guide to Surviving your Job Search

Don’t let your job search get you down. Get your FREE Ultimate Guide to Surviving Your Job Search here!