Is your resume getting overlooked? It might be because you aren’t keeping up with the newest resume trends. Here, you’ll learn an essential, new resume trend that will make your resume shine and help you land your dream job. Read on or watch the video below to learn how you can use this technique to your advantage!

If we’ve never met before, I’m Heather Austin from and The Career Club on Facebook, and here, I share simple solutions to help you build a business or launch a career you love.

The 6-Second Resume

Have you heard the saying, “Out with the old, in with the new?” This phrase also applies to a new trend in resume writing.

Wondering what this new trend is? It’s this: Replacing your outdated objective statement (you know, the paragraph that goes at the top of your resume) with an updated personal summary, or what I like to call a branding profile.

So, what is a branding profile?

A branding profile is a description of your skills, experiences, and achievements as they relate to your dream job. It’s a statement that explains what you can do for a company rather than what you want out of a position, as described in my YouTube video.

How to write a branding profile

Step 1: Explain how you are the solution to the problem.

Step 2: Make your description accurate, powerful, and deliberate.

Step 3: Think of the 6-second rule. You only have 6 seconds (or less) to grab the attention of your viewer.

Bonus Step: Highlight your unique skills (such as your ability to speak a second language or if you work/used to work for a competitor).


The 6-Second Resume

Your resume is one of the most important documents you’ll create in your lifetime. Download your free resume template to make yours stand out!